Posts Index – Brightling, East Sussex – village website
  • Coronation Picnic Plans A and B

    With the Met. office flip-flopping between wet and dry we thought we should have plans for any occasion so that no one has to keep wondering where and when to turn up on Sunday 7th May. Plan A is if the weather is dry you turn up as per programme starting as 12 noon setting… Read more

  • Full fibre broadband for Brightling, Woods Corner, Netherfield Village – an update on progress, or the lack of it

    From time to time one hears the motto “never apologize; never explain” (sometimes, like many such quotations, misattributed to Winston Churchill).  It is not a philosophy that I agree with but it one that BT/Openreach seem to adhere to fiercely.    Having originally predicted a completion date of 7 July 2023 for the Brightling/Woods Corner/Netherfield full… Read more

  • Water supplies in Brightling – have your say

    The following information has been provided by South East Water, to invite their customers to a virtual meeting on 6 June from 2pm to 4pm, to hear their plans and give the opportunity to ask questions. A few customers in Brightling pay their bills to Southern Water (who also own the Darwell reservoir). The event… Read more