Posts Index – Brightling, East Sussex – village website
  • Full fibre broadband – more evidence of progress

    The following pictures were taken by a local resident on 24th April. They show the installation of fibre optic cables at Twelve Oaks. It is not possible to be sure when a full fibre broadband service will be available to buy, but my current guess is the end of August 2023. Read more

  • Full fibre broadband – some good news

    On 1st May, I posted a gloomy progress report on the state of the full fibre broadband project, having just been officially informed by BT Openreach that the project was still in the planning stage and that the completion date had been put back by six months. At the same time, I fired off a… Read more

  • Dallington Forest – hedgelaying

    In the winter of 2022/2023 a 350 metre 8-year-old hedge on the edge of Dallington Forest was laid for the first time. The work was carried out over the Christmas and New Year period resulting in a stock-proof boundary, improved habitats for birds, small mammals and invertebrates, and which will increase biodiversity in the surrounding… Read more