The Brightling Moth Breakfast – Saturday 13 July – Brightling, East Sussex – village website
A “Coronet” moth – one of many found at a previous moth breakfast in Brightling, in 2016

On Saturday 13 July, come and join Brightling Environment Group for a lepidopterous breakfast, as we discover how many moths can be caught over one night. Local moth enthusiast Caroline Moore will open the trap at 8.30am to release the moths and identify the species over bacon rolls, croissants and coffee.  Don’t miss this fascinating insight into the moths in our area. 

(If you do miss it, don’t worry – the results will be photographed and recorded, used for a children’s craft activity and, as part of our project of working towards Dark Skies accreditation, will be reported on during the High Weald’s Dark Skies Festival, 28 October to 10 November).

Saturday 13 July 

8.15am for 8.30am reveal

TN19 7DL (joining instructions will be sent when you book)

Free but a small charge on the day to cover breakfast

Numbers limited to 20 so please book via email at