Ultrafast broadband – pledges now exceed £400,000
Twenty days after launch, the pledges have reached £404,500. The target that needs to be raised is £937,513 (for the Brightling/Netherfield/Woods Corner project).
If you haven’t already done so, please consider pledging your voucher now. It takes less than 5 minutes.
The sooner we can get to 100% of the target, the sooner the build of the new network can start. (If we don’t get 100% of the target by mid-May, none of it will get built and no-one will benefit).
If you have already pledged, thank you, and there are still ways you can help further:
- if you are a Facebook user, please consider posting a link to our information page. Ditto other social media.
- please spread the word and encourage your neighbours to sign up too.
- please spread the word that this is not a scam. It is an official project, supported by Brightling Parish Council.
- if you have other ideas or would like to help in other ways, please email highwealdsuperfastbroadband@gmail.com
Some people have ended up on the wrong site for pledging. If you see “www.openreach.com/connectmycommunity” in the address bar of your web browser, you are on the correct page. If you see something else, you are on the wrong page, which may be giving you incorrect / misleading information..
If you have any questions that are not answered by our Frequently Asked Questions page, please email highwealdsuperfastbroadband@gmail.com We will respond.
If you aren’t sure what all this is about, please visit our main broadband information page.