Rother District Council – Council Plan Consultation – Brightling, East Sussex – village website

RDC is consulting on its draft Council Plan that sets out its direction for the next four years, 2024-2028. This is an overarching, high-level document. This consultation runs from 6 September to 9 am, 21 October 2024.

The results of this consultation will be considered by RDC’s Cabinet at its meeting in November, with view to taking the final decision at December’s full Council meeting.

You can contribute to the consultation via an online survey, via email or by written representations sent to:

Council Plan Consultation, Corporate Policy & Projects Team
Rother District Council
Town Hall
Bexhill on Sea
TN39 3JX

Supporting Documents to the Council Plan

RDC’s Council Plan refers to the State of the District report that provides the background data explaining why they have selected their vision and strategic outcomes.

Read more about:

Draft Local Plan 2020-2040 – most recent versions of the plan and supporting evidence from the July consultation.