Posts Index – Brightling, East Sussex – village website
  • Brightling Flower show: planning meeting

    A meeting to plan the 2022 Brightling Flower show will be held at 7:00 pm on Thursday 24 February, in the Village Hall. After two years with no Flower Show, it is hoped that the 2022 event will be widely supported. All villagers are warmly invited to the meeting, as well as everyone outside Brightling… Read more

  • New planning application in Brightling at Hollingrove Farm: change of use of land to residential curtilage, erection of tennis court and associated landscaping

    Reference RR/2021/2985/P Proposal Change of use of land to residential curtilage, erection of tennis court and associated landscaping. Location Hollingrove Farm, Kent Lane, Brightling TN32 5HU View details of this application and optionally make a comment to Rother District Council. View details of all current planning applications affecting Brightling. Read more

  • VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE AGM – 10.30am Monday 10th January 2022 Brightling Village Hall

    This will be a short meeting to present the reports and accounts for the 2020/21 financial year, and to elect members of the Committee for the forthcoming year. Brightling residents are very welcome to attend. Read more