Posts Index – Brightling, East Sussex – village website
  • Brightling Flower Show – save the dates

    Brightling Flower Show AGM – Thursday 28th April, 7pm in the village hall Brightling Flower Show – Saturday 23rd July, Tower field The AGM will be a catch up and discussion on what needs doing to make the 2022 flower show a year to remember. Given that it has not been able to run for… Read more

  • Ultrafast broadband – pledges now exceed £400,000

    Twenty days after launch, the pledges have reached £404,500. The target that needs to be raised is £937,513 (for the Brightling/Netherfield/Woods Corner project). If you haven’t already done so, please consider pledging your voucher now. It takes less than 5 minutes. The sooner we can get to 100% of the target, the sooner the build… Read more

  • Brightling annual litter-pick: Saturday 9th April starting at 9:30 at the Village Hall

    Turn up at 9:30 am at the Village Hall to be assigned a stretch of road to litter pick – as long or short as you like. For those who haven’t done it before, litter-picking is actually a lot more fun than it sounds. The satisfaction of seeing litter-free verges is immense. Equipment (gloves, tongs… Read more