Posts Index – Brightling, East Sussex – village website
  • Annual village meeting 2022: tomorrow (Wednesday 6 April), in the Village Hall, at 7:30 pm. Free refreshments. Put your questions about power cuts to a representative from UK Power Networks. Meet the local police. Hear from the parish council.

    For the first time since 2019, Brightling will be holding a live, in person, village meeting. This is partly a social occasion – a chance to chat to people that you may not see every day – but also an opportunity to hear (and give your views) about things going on in the village. There… Read more

  • New planning application in Brightling at the Coach House, Brightling Road: proposed first floor side extensions

    Reference RR/2022/413/P Status Undecided      Proposal Proposed first floor side extensions. Location The Coach House, Brightling Road, Brightling TN32 5EY View details of this application and optionally make a comment to Rother District Council. View details of all current planning applications affecting Brightling. Read more

  • Ultrafast broadband – progress

    Pledges for the Brightling/Netherfield/Woods Corner ultrafast broadband project have now reached 46% – not far short of half way. If everyone who has already pledged could persuade one of their neighbours to pledge too, then we would have virtually achieved our target. If you haven’t already done so, please consider pledging your voucher now. It… Read more