Brightling Café starts again this Saturday 25th March 10am-Noon and will be on the last Saturday of every month until November (except August).
Judy from Asselton Cakes will be selling her delicious homemade cakes, savouries and preserves.
Something to sell … If you paint, knit, weave, craft, decorate, make cards, candles, produce honey or grow veg why not sell your wares at the café. There is no charge. No cakes please as that’s Judy’s domain. Just email Katrina with details so we can get a table ready.
More volunteers are always welcome. If you would like to help at the café contact
There will be a Bring & Buy Plant Sale at next month’s Café on 29th April. More details nearer the time.
Pop into Brightling Café on Saturday morning and catch up with friends and neighbours over a cup of fresh coffee and delicious homemade cake.