Posts Index – Brightling, East Sussex – village website
  • Prize Draw closing date reminder

    The prize draw to win one of 5 pairs of tickets to Eltham Palace in September (probably 13th/14th) closes at 12 noon on Monday 9th May. For your chance of success send your email address or telephone number to Read more

  • Free supper with wine

    (Well, nearly) Join us on Friday 27 May at 7pm in the luxurious old stables of Brightling Park.  Food and drink have been generously donated but we are asking £10 per head to raise money for the church. Plus you get the chance to bid for something you’ve always wanted – or hadn’t realised you… Read more

  • Staying in touch during power cuts

    After storm Eunice, a number of people wrote to me and said things like “thanks for all the information about the power cuts, which we only saw after they had ended because of course we had no internet / computers / phone battery”.  Another correspondent wrote “having fibre optic here we also lost  all communications… Read more