Posts Index – Brightling, East Sussex – village website

    ROBERTSBRIDGE VILLAGE HALL, STATION ROAD, ROBERTSBRIDGE Come and join us at the Repair Café this Saturday from 9am until midday (last item accepted 11.45am). Get help with sharpening tools, mending well-loved clothing or repairing electrical equipment. We will also have an expert with us who can repair clocks, someone who can do small woodwork repairs,… Read more

  • Full fibre broadband in Brightling, Woods Corner, parts of Netherfield – progress report

    The following areas are already enabled for full-fibre broadband and the service only needs to be ordered: Darvell Estate, Netherfield, Brightling Road east of Oxley’s Green and the premises between Coldharbour Farm and Pelham Bucks. Most activity in the week starting 15 May, has been in relation to the network that runs from Cabinet 2, located… Read more

  • Improvements to mobile phone signal in Brightling

    The phone mast in Darwell Woods, which used to be Vodafone-only, now hosts the O2 network as well. The O2 service supports 4G at up to 29Mb/s download 10Mb/s upload. If you can see the mast, you should get these speeds. If it is slightly out of view, then speeds will be lower. This will… Read more