A message from Brightling cafe:
Thank you for your comments and suggestions on our survey. The general consensus seems to be that the cafe is a valuable local event, and that providing an opportunity for everyone to meet and chat over a cup of fresh coffee and home-made cake is well worth while.
The format going forward for the next few months will be as follows;
Judy Asseleton will continue to have her stall selling homemade cakes, (she makes the ones for the market and they are truly delicious), preserves, quiches, and other delicacies. Buy fresh and freeze and you will never be caught short again…..do please come and support her.
Our MAD table…..Made And Donated…
We will be setting up a community table. If you have spare veg, eggs, cut flowers or anything else you can think of that you would like to donate then bring them to the market, put them on the table. Everyone is welcome to help themselves to anything they fancy and we will just ask for a donation. All the proceeds will go to the village hall fund.
If you have something more valuable, such as arts and crafts – and we saw what talent Brightling has in the made in lockdown exhibition -then you are welcome to come to the cafe, grab a table and sell your wares free of charge. All we ask for is a fair donation based on your takings, so if you paint, knit, weave, craft, decorate, make cards, candles, wreaths or produce honey or whatever, here is an opportunity to sell. No cakes please as that is Judy’s domain.
If you want to sell please email Katrina beforehand to let her know what to expect. katrinablench@hotmail.com
So the last two cafes of the year will be Saturday 30 October – a Halloween theme. We will be offering ginger cake, coffee and a special treat of hot chocolate and marshmallow for those of you keen to give the diet a day off…..
We would love to see more children coming up and joining in so prise your children and grandchildren away from their iPads as we will be putting on a biscuit decorating fest. How creative can you get? 50p a biscuit, icing provided, So make them really scary and then eat them! Spiders web biscuits anyone???
For those of us still kids at heart we will challenge you to a pumpkin bowling competition….. bring a pumpkin, or borrow one of ours, and bowl it towards the jack and the closest bowl will leave you the reigning pumpkin bowling champ for the year….we will reward the winner with a bottle of wine naturally!!!
And on Saturday 27th November it will be the Christmas cafe. More details will follow but this will be the perfect opportunity to sell any crafts you have made. Email Katrina if you would like a table katrinablench@hotmail.com