Brightling Barn Dance: save money by buying your tickets now – Brightling, East Sussex – village website

An announcement from the Flower Show Committee

We are very excited to invite The Catsfield Streamers and you all back to the Brightling Barn Dance on Saturday 17th September, 7.00 pm, Ox Lodge Barn, Brightling. This is always such a fun event for all the family and we look forward to seeing you grab your partner and counting in!

unknown person standing indoors
Photo by Inga Seliverstova on

Pre order Tickets – £10.00 per ticket
Tickets on the night – £15.00 per ticket#
Under 16: Free

For details of how to pre-order and pay for tickets please David Rodgers at

The deadline for pre-ordering tickets is Friday 16th September.

Doors Open at 7.00 pm and dancing will commence at 7.30 pm. Bar and BBQ.

We are always on the hunt for Happy Helpers, so if you would like to lend a hand either on the door, BBQ or bar, please pop over an email to:

We look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks!

Brightling Flower Show Committee