East Sussex County Council has launched the ‘Living Well in East Sussex’ survey, an opportunity for East Sussex Adult Social Care to gain an understanding of what really matters to local people.
The information gained will then be used as a starting point for creating a new Adult Social Care strategy that will set the direction of adult social care for everyone who has – or will have – care and support needs within the county, the projects and services that support them and their carers and families.
The more people who fill it in, the more confident they can be that their strategy will reflect what matters to East Sussex residents. Survey responses will help guide the next stage of consultation with adult social care staff, care providers, NHS colleagues and wider stakeholders.
The survey is online at:
www.eastsussex.gov.uk/ASCsurvey and the closing date for replies is 18th September
Paper copies of the form are also available – if required please contact the Clerk on:
brightingclerk@gmail.com or
Tel: 01424 838432