I have finished my new, local/national history play and it is ready to be performed in the church to raise funds, probably towards new heating. All I need are 3 actors: 2 need to be male and 1 can be either male or female.

There are no lines to learn except for a few as you enter “on stage”, as the rest is conducted by way of an interview, reading from the script in front of you. The play is to be performed as if it is being recorded in a radio studio.

The subject is William Shield, master of the King’s Music in the Georgian periods and composer in residence at Covent Garden for many years. He was a friend of Jack Fuller and came to Brightling to perform for him on occasions. See his memorial in the church and find out why it is there and not with his body in Westminster Abbey. The play lasts about 45 mins.

If you are interested please contact me, Jane Beard, thewatertowerbrightling@gmail.com or phone 01424838352.

Memorial of William Shield in Brightling Church