The following information has been provided by South East Water, to invite their customers to a virtual meeting on 6 June from 2pm to 4pm, to hear their plans and give the opportunity to ask questions.
A few customers in Brightling pay their bills to Southern Water (who also own the Darwell reservoir). The event for Southern Water will also be a virtual meeting on 9 June starting at 3:30 pm
These “Your water, your say” meetings will allow customers and stakeholders to question them and challenge their plans. Your questions could cover the service the company provides, its impact on the environment, what will happen to your water bill, or whatever other topic is important to you. You can find out more about the various meetings from CCW and Ofwat.
Over the last few years, our region has seen significant changes in climate, population growth and working habits, which means more people are working from home. More recently we’ve all had to face up to the challenges of the cost of living crisis. All of these factors affect how water is supplied to you.By taking part in a “Your water your say” session you’ll play your part in helping shape the future of water in the region. Suppliers want to provide a service that is affordable and accessible for everyone, and is able to tackle the challenges faced in the region in the short, medium and long term. If you can’t get involved, then please let your friends, neighbours and family members know about the meeting.