Come and join us at the Repair Café tomorrow and get help with sharpening tools, mending well-loved clothing, repairing electrical equipment and small woodwork or other household repairs. And, If our volunteers can’t fix your item, we can probably tell you who can.

Since our first session in April, in just 3 Repair Cafes we have:

  • Sharpened 25 pairs of secateurs, 28 shears, 6 loppers, 2 long-handled pruners, 16 knives, 6 pairs of scissors, an edger, a hoe, and a mower blade;
  • Darned 11 jumpers, repaired 8 rips, done small alterations to 3 items, and brought a doll back to life;
  • Repaired a photo frame, a wooden boat, a skein winder, a small table and a small bookcase, and got an old musical box to play again;
  • Replaced the handles on two garden forks, and got an old apple lopper back in working order;
  • Got adult & children’s bikes back on the road;
  • Brought toasters, kettles, radios, printers, vacuum cleaners back to life;
  • Fixed many more favourite possessions too numerous to list;
  • As well as advising when items really were beyond repair.
