Rother District Council has recently published a new draft framework which outlines how some local services and assets—such as public conveniences, leisure centres, and green spaces—might be passed from the District Council to parish and town councils.

This is in response to Government plans to create a new unitary authority for Sussex, which would replace the current county and district councils. A new ‘shadow’ authority is expected to be in place by April 2027.

What’s Happening?

  • Parish and town councils across the district are being invited to express interest in taking over services and community buildings currently managed by Rother District Council.
  • The aim is to protect local services, particularly those which are not required by law (known as ‘discretionary services’) and which might otherwise be reduced or lost in future due to budget pressures.
  • This transfer of responsibility could allow services to be delivered more locally, based on community need.

What Does This Mean for Brightling?

At present, Brightling Parish Council does not own or manage any services or buildings, so we are not directly involved in the process. However, it’s important that residents are aware of these developments, as they may affect neighbouring parishes and could shape how local government works in our area in the years to come.

The District Council is encouraging open dialogue with local councils and community groups, and there will be more opportunities to learn about this process as it moves forward.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more, feel free to contact the Parish Clerk.