Posts Index – Brightling, East Sussex – village website
  • Full-fibre broadband: the campaign continues!

    The original deadline was 19 May, to raise a total of £937,513 quoted by BT-Openreach to bring full-fibre ultrafast broadband to Brightling, Netherfield Village and Woods Corner. That deadline has now passed, with just 62% of the target being raised by people pledging their government (DCMS) vouchers. Many thanks to all those who have already… Read more

  • Auction of promises and supper on Friday 27 May – still time to book

    BRIGHTLING CHURCH AUCTION OF PROMISES and SUPPER Friday 27 May, 7pm The Old Stables, Brightling Park LESS THAN A WEEK TO GO BUT THERE IS STILL TIME TO BOOK! Email or to reserve your place A delicious supper and all drinks are being generously donated but we are asking £10 per head (cash… Read more

  • Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in Brightling

    By now you will have received your invitations to join in with the celebrations on Thursday 2nd June, but in case someone has been missed out by mistake, we set out below the programme: 12 noon – around 3.30 p.m. Village Picnic followed by children’s games. This is being held around the village hall and… Read more