Posts Index – Brightling, East Sussex – village website
  • Last chance to have your say on Sussex Police funding and priorities

    An announcement from Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne This is a reminder that Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne is asking residents to share their thoughts on policing priorities and the precept element of the 2023/24 Sussex Police budget in this survey. The PCC said: “After five years or restoring neighbourhood policing,… Read more

  • Church service at Brightling 10:00 am Sunday 8 January

    An announcement from Ann-Marie Crosse There will be a service at Brightling church at 10:00 am tomorrow (Sunday 8 January 2023). Read more

  • Cost of living advice from Rother District Council

    An announcement from Rother District Council As part of the Council’s approach to assisting residents deal with the current economic situation a web page has been developed summarizing the various sources of help available. The page is at: Cost of Living – Rother District Council. Read more