Posts Index – Brightling, East Sussex – village website
  • Land Manager Opinions Wanted

    Our Tree Warden, Doug Edworthy, has recently taken part in a survey of land managers opinions on wooded habitats being run as part of a research project by a PhD student, Sam Aizlewood, at University of Kent, Canterbury. Sam would welcome input to the survey from other landowners or managers of woodlands of any size… Read more

  • Talk on Jack Fuller

    Annette Lloyd Thomas who wrote the latest book on Mr. Fuller, is giving a short talk at The Ostrich, Robertsbridge on Saturday 22nd April between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Tickets are £5 each, bookable in advance from Robertsbridge Arts Foundation, or by cash at Judges Bakery in Robertsbridge. Read more

  • Brightling annual litter clear up – Saturday, 15 April 2023, 10.00 am, starting at the Village Hall

    An annoucement from Jane Oxenford Driving and walking around our lanes you can’t help but notice the accumulation of plastic bottles, empty beer cans and fast food packaging strewn along the verges. Once again, it is time to have a good clear up before all that rubbish gets hidden under the new spring growth. Please… Read more