Rother District Council are consulting on their new proposed corporate plan. The consultation is open until 17th March. The plan is 21 pages long and (personal opinion) surprisingly readable. It includes some very specific objectives and action plans. Rother say “We would like you to comment on the 10 objectives and their action plans. It is… Read more
“Variation of condition 2 imposed on planning permission RR/2019/2358/P to use Ibstock ashford cottage mixture brickwork instead of white painted brick or render” Follow this link to see details of the application and optionally submit a comment to Rother District Council. Read more
East Sussex is holding local elections on Thursday 6 May – but did you know you can arrange to vote by post if you apply now? The elections are for all 50 county councillors, for some seats on district and borough councils and for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex. Polling stations will be… Read more