An announcement from East Sussex County Council (and West Sussex County Council)

Sussex LNRS: Landowner, land manager and farmer survey

Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a new process to identify at the county level, the priorities and actions that will drive nature’s recovery, as well as benefits such as water quality, flood management and improvements to people’s health.  

Why do we want to hear from Sussex farmers, landowners and land managers? 

  • No one knows the land as well as those who work it! 
  • Priorities and actions need to be realistic and achievable.
  • While we want to know the opportunities to improve nature, we also need to know where to prioritise food production.

Our 13-question survey asks if you’re interested in nature recovery (or not), what you may be considering or what may be stopping you. 

More information.

Take the survey now.