Brightling Cafe is back on the last Saturday of each month 10-12 noon in the Village Hall, and our first one this year is on Saturday 29 March.

Call in for coffee, tea and delicious cake made by Judy from ASSELTON CAKES, who will also be selling her homemade savouries and preserves and bread from JUDGES BAKERY. 

There will be local venison steaks, sausages and mince and from Green Oak Farm – eggs, chicken, bacon, herb and veg plants and apple cider vinegar.
Flowers from Thistle Cottage Flower Farm should be ready for the cafe on the 26 April if the weather is kind. 

Our local growers and producers sell their seasonal venison, veg, flowers and meat at different times of the year so pop in to see what there is and check the local publications, the Village website for details each month and look out for the roadside signs. 

There will be something for children to do as well as the garden to play in if the weather is fine, so bring them along too.

Are you a grower, maker or producer? If you have something you would like to sell you are welcome to do so free of charge. No cakes please as that is Judy’s domain.

VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS WELCOME – two hours on a Saturday morning once or twice a year. 

Contact for selling or to volunteer.