Whilst it may seem odd to give consideration to water outages given the current weather, Brightling PC has been following up on a resident’s query regarding the availability of water in the event of a fire that coincides with a loss of water supply. The information below has been kindly provided by East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service.

Whenever there is a loss of water supply in an area, the water company are required to inform the local Fire & Rescue Service. On receipt of this information, we would enhance the pre-determined attendance to any confirmed fire in the area, sending an additional fire engine (extra 1800L’s of water) or a bulk water carrier (15,000L’s), effectively bringing our own supply.

In addition to this, fire fighting techniques have progressed in recent years and all our fire engines are equipped with compressed air foam systems (CAF’s), which can be more effective and uses less water, than the application of water alone.