Events in neighbouring villages – Brightling, East Sussex – village website

Occasionally, I am told, Brightling residents feel that there is not enough excitement in Brightling, and experience a desire to savour the delights of neighbouring villages. If this applies to you, read on….

You can sign up to get a regular email update of events in Dallington (such as the excellent Dallington cafe). Just visit the Dallington website, and then enter your email address where it says “Sign up for email alerts”. This will put you on the Dallington email list, which is quite separate from the Brightling one.

The Mountfield website has an identical facility.

If it all gets too much, you can unsubscribe from any of these mailing lists using the unsubscribe link at the end of every email. These unsubscribe links do work.

I am not aware of any equivalent for Netherfield or Robertsbridge, but would be pleased to publicize it if anyone notifies me.