The following areas are already enabled for full-fibre broadband and the service only needs to be ordered: Darvell Estate, Netherfield, Brightling Road east of Oxley’s Green and the premises between Coldharbour Farm and Pelham Bucks.
Most activity in the week starting 15 May, has been in relation to the network that runs from Cabinet 2, located to the North side of the Church and west of the Village Hall, via the underground duct to just past Avenue Lodge, Bounded by Sugar Loaf Yard, Brightling Down Farm, Little Worge Farm, Perch Hill Farm, Brightling Mine, Sheepshaw Farm and The Banisters, this part of the full fibre network is more complete than other parts of the exchange and may be finished before the other routes.
The week starting 22 May 2023, most activity appears to be between the top of Rectory Hill and the local pole network located either side of Darwell Hole on the B2096. All Connection Block Terminals in this area are now in place with Riverhouses being installed on Friday 26 May. Draw ropes are visible on poles where required, Wall Cottage is barely visible at the base of the pole. Openreach has extended the roadworks date around Darwell Hole until 31 May. They also started to moleplough a new duct down to Coblye Cottage from the small lay-by on the B2096 located close to Giffords Farm as this was shorter and easier route to upgrade than via Coblye Barn. They have also been checking out the ducts within Netherfield, hence the appearance of the white arrows, on the B2096.
Openreach has started to paint distance number either side of the arrows on the road pointing towards their other manholes, this is done shortly before they start to drag fibre cables through the ducting, so the cablers know how much cable they will need to pull through.
Please note that all this information is based on observation, not official communications from BT/Openreach. There can be no certainty when or if a particular premises will actually get a full fibre service available.